Sunday, February 27, 2011

Epson Launches V33 and V330 Scanners

Epson, the giants of printers and scanners, have just come out with a couple of scanners targeted at  small offices and homes. The Epson Perfection V33 and the V330 feature a high optical resolution of 4800 X 9600 dpi and optical density (3.3 DMax).
Epson V33

That’s not all though; they have some common features like ReadyScan LED Technology that doesn’t make you wait to scan your documents and the Easy Photo Fix Technology that helps you restore your old, scratched out and damaged photos. You also get four customizable buttons with pre-defined settings.
Epson V330

The Epson Perfection V330 also has an in-built Transparency Unit (TPU) which enables it to hold slides, negatives and film in place for more convenient scanning. It holds a capacity of 6-strip film along with 4-frame mounted slides in 35mm. There’s some bundled software called the ABBYY FineReader Sprint 9 and Arc-soft Scan-n-Stitch Deluxe, which help in converting scanned copies into editable formats and in case there are documents that are larger than A4 sizes, you can stitch them together.

The Epson Scan v3.9 comes with additional language support for searching PDF text, and allows users to organize scanned documents with the help of its resizable preview window and thumbnail preview. It also comes with the Auto Area Segmentation function which automatically detects text and images in a sheet and separately scans them on optimized settings for each.

If these fit your requirements, you can grab the V33 for Rs. 4999 and the V330 for Rs. 7999.


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