TabCo stands for Tablet Company, or so its About Us page claims. It's promising a tablet with a much higher cool factor than the stuff out there today. Well, every company claims to offer an iPad killer, but none has delivered yet. Hence, there was no reason to take this company seriously, until I came across the following video where TabCo "air-raided" Apple's WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference). Using a skytyping technique involving six airplanes, the company spelled out "Forget the fruit".
This was reason enough to believe that a well-established company was actually behind this viral-marketing campaign. Predictably, the blogosphere turned into a bunch of detectives attempting to reveal TabCo's identity. Many believe that it's Motorola, some claim it's Nokia, while others are tying it to HP and even Microsoft.
To generate more buzz, TabCo soon posted another interesting video:
Now, it's time to put on my detective hat. As you can see in the video, the Android fanboy states that this is the new Android OS version, possibly Ice Cream Sandwich. However, the Apple fanboy denies it, saying "Google couldn't do this; this is way more Apple than Google". This means it's surely not Motorola, as its tablets are Android-based. HP'sWebOS has already been demonstrated on its TouchPad, and Microsoft isn't really a major player in the tablet hardware scene. This leaves us with Nokia - a company very likely to launch a tablet based on its new MeeGo platform. Moreover, the focus group participant can be seen using Swiping gestures a lot, which is actually at the heart of MeeGo OS. You can also notice that the video's title "Focus Group" is quite similar to the N900's ad named "The Focus Group Incident".
On its official website, TabCo has mentioned many companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Motorola, HP, Nintendo, and Google. However, there is not a single mention of Nokia, which puts it on top of my suspect list. Interestingly, the website's colour scheme - red and black - is complementary to Nokia's blue and white.
Judging by the video, the device's design does have a kind of Nokia-esque feel. The video also mocks Gizmodo by calling it Whizmodo, and who else has a more bitter relationship with it than Nokia?
The device's announcement is scheduled on the 15th of the next month - until then, you can read other interesting opinions by checking out the sources listed below:
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