Earlier this year OCZ had acquired solid state drive controller maker Indilinx. Today the firm announced it's own Indilinx branded SSD controller in the form of OCZ Indilinx Everest SATA 3.0 SSD platform. The Everest platform support of 6Gbps interface speeds and up to 1TB storage capacity.
The Indilinx Everest platform feature dual-core ARM CPU, high sequential speeds up to 500MB/s, high transactional performance, and 400 MHz DDR3 DRAM cache interface with support for up to 512MB.
It also supports next generation flash technologies including three bit per cell NAND Flash and 200 mega transfers per second (MT/s) synchronous-mode flash, up over the 166 MT/s supported by other NAND Flash controllers. Furthermore, Indilinx's new boot time reduction algorithms can be configured to decrease system boot time by up to 50% over existing SSD controller architectures.
The Indilinx Everest SSD platform is now available to OEMs for validation.
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