After the debacle that Duke Nukem Forever was, it is welcome to hear that Croteam's Serious Sam 3: BFE will stay old-school. The developer succinctly puts it across as "No Cover. All Man". If that wasn't promising enough, the latest promo for the mad FPS will have you sold on the latest instalment. Serious Sam veterans will love the behind-the-scenes look at the infernal Headless Kamikaze enemies.
It features a mock documentary chronicling the life and (inevitable) death of Brett Sanderson - one of the hundreds of headless cannon fodder that you blow up during the course of the game. Having seen one formulaic game trailer too many, other game devs hopefully will take a cue from Serious Sam 3 publisher Devolver Digital for its brilliant marketing campaign. This is how you make a good promo.
Warning: Remember that watching the video will invariably cause Headless Kamikaze screams to loop in your head.
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